
What Drives Albatha

Business with values

At Albatha, it is our belief that business and values are inseparable. Values inspire trust, trust builds relationships and relationships drive growth. For this reason, we constantly challenge ourselves to uphold the promise that underpins each company within Albatha: Improving the quality of life of all our stakeholders.

Our people

Albatha employs over 7,000 highly valued individuals. We consider it our duty to provide a great place to work and opportunities for career growth to maximise our employees potential.

Our customers

We work with world-class partners, suppliers and with our own brands to deliver exceptional products and services. Maintaining consistency in quality, service and value for our valued customers is our high priority.

Our society

As part of a global community, Albatha aims to have a positive impact by making responsible decisions, setting examples that enrich society and making contributions that improve the lives of the less-privileged.

Information Technology

IT is mission-critical to Albatha and is managed as a strategic asset. IT is considered an integrated part of business operations and its objectives are aligned with business strategies and goals.

More than 50 locations all over GCC countries are connected by advanced infra-structure lines to ensure availability of real time information. Advanced technologies like mobility, cloud computing, social integration, web commerce are deployed based on business imperatives.

Albatha implemented SAP in 1999 to support the business processes of operating companies for sales and distribution, materials management, manufacturing, projects, services, finance, controlling, human resources, retail, maintenance, real estate, quality management, etc. - including deploying Business Intelligence to draw business insights from vast volumes of data.

One of the strategic priorities for Albatha is to enable and empower our group companies to compete in the digital age, and deploy IT to enhance interactions between customers, suppliers and employees. Albatha IT as a department is ISO 27001 certified to ensure the highest level of quality and data security.

Quality and Performance

We believe that quality for the end customer can only be delivered when we maintain quality throughout our group. From our plants, storage facilities and equipment, to our international best practices and continuous training, Albatha strives daily to deliver the finest products and services, in the most efficient and reliable ways.

Albatha manages its companies according to the highest international standards, independently accredited to ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System, certified by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Management. Our IT systems are accredited to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 - Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 - Information technology — Service management system and certified by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance Management. AGMC follows BMW AG's exceptionally stringent QMA (Quality Management Autohaus) programme. Across Albatha, relevant businesses also adhere to ISO 14001: 2004 Environmental Management System standards or HACCP – the world's highest food safety standard.

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

We are committed to providing the safest possible workplace for our people, as well as acting responsibly towards the community and the environment. To this end, Albatha follows a progressive HSE policy across all businesses.

Advisory & Assurance

Albatha Advisory & Assurance is guided by an approved Audit Charter. Its primary objective is to independently validate all business practices and processes to ensure Corporate Governance as well as to protect and safeguard the assets and capital of the stakeholders.

Albatha Advisory & Assurance is responsible for ensuring compliances to the Albatha corporate policies, policy standards and company policies that are developed based on the Albatha's Ethical Codes and Values in relation to the Albatha's Mission, Vision & Values.

People and Development

Driven by talented people at all levels, our goal is to ensure that each employee achieves a quality of life in their pursuit of Albatha's business objectives. To this end, we strive to create world-class work environment shaped by fair practices, and excellent opportunities for career growth.


Albatha encourages a strong spirit of independence throughout the organisation. Honesty, openness, accountability and an eagerness to listen ensures a culture where ideas are shared and individuals feel confident to take responsible decisions.

Progressive Culture

Albatha aims to give all its employees the power to manage their careers and family well-being. A healthy work-life balance is promoted by supportive leaders who are fully committed to staff development and progressive working practices.

Professional Management

Our ability to implement international best practices across Albatha is driven by a team of qualified experienced managers, guided by General Managers of the companies and Managing Directors of the industry groups. The Management is overseen and supported by the Albatha Holding Corporate office.

Learning Organisation

Albatha strives to be a 'Learning Organisation', continually improving our leadership, processes, IT and human resources. We aim to train every employee at least once a year - to raise the 'sea level' of the whole organisation - through internal workshops, as well as external partner institutions.

Learning is an integral part of human resource development. This is the process of changing an organisation, in order to maintain a competitive advantage. It encompasses a variety of components such as training, career development, career management, succession planning which eventually results in creation of a "talent pool".

Albatha Learning Centre, comprising a team of over 25 "Training Champions" organises in-house courses, ranging from Management development programs to creativity, quality, health & safety for their employees.

Albatha Learning Festival

Towards continuing on a journey to transform the Group into a learning organization, Albatha launched an annual event in 2012 called the Albatha Learning Festival (ALF). The objective of the festival is to promote a 'learning culture' within Albatha's operating groups and companies. Alongside, a exhibition is held wherein all Group companies display their products and services to showcase diversity.

At ALF, more than 100 sessions are held in 3 days for over 7,000 employees ranging from safety, creativity and innovation, to management and leadership programs covering all levels of employees in the Group.

Quick Contact

Corporate Office

P.O. Box 7400,
Level 22, Boulevard Plaza 1
Downtown Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE

Tel: +971 4 371 1300

Fax: +971 4 325 3687

A Marque for the Future

We have defined our future strategy and direction, and a key component of this strategy is the establishment of a strong, differentiated identity for Albatha.

Albatha logo is an energetic and modern expression of who we are, the way we work and our vision for the future.

Working together to create synergy, the individual components of the new Albatha logo blend to communicate a powerful message of collaboration, community and commitment to our people, our customers and society.

The "sphere icon" represents our world-class expertise and global outlook, communicating growth both regionally and internationally.

An array of colours represents our reach across many different industries and categories, also the diversity of our people and our skills. The colours are purposely transparent to express Albatha's transparency and business ethics. It shows our commitment to creating a free and open business culture built upon trust and honesty.

The white space at the top of the Albatha "sphere icon" symbolizes our openness and readiness to welcome new regional and international partnerships, it communicates that we are always open to new opportunities, markets and possibilities.